Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 3 Blog Posting

Inspiration Video: Provides a framework for thinking through visual learning. Should help students to gather information, analyze it and use it in their writing. Students would be able to use graphic organizers to help in their planning and development of their projects. Teachers would be able to use Inspiration to help in their planning and development of their curiculums.

Collaborative writing activities could be used to engage the class in working together and you would have more sources of ideas,varied points of views, and an important one- peer and self assessment. As we saw in Chapter 4, even when instructors provide assassment of a students work it is in the form of clarity and accuracy and as recent research has shown student-to student feedback may be more effective.

In responce to the question , How well did I know a topic, and did I know it better after. Yes I did need to research a topic before I was able to talk about it. I certainly did not know more in the beginnig as I did after the reasearch and teaching of the topic.

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you about the teaching topic. If we as teachers do not no something, then it is up to us to look it up make sure we know what it is we are talking about. Even if we think we know something a little extra reasearch before we break down the activity and teach it can help.
