Tuesday, February 16, 2010


INTJ-The Scientist

I was not aware that there were so many different personality traits out there. What an eye-opener, it just goes to show how we need to be aware of the differences in our students and how we may need to accommodate and supplement our teaching strategies.
This is just one of the many things to come that we as teachers will need to learn to utilize. It should also help us to develop an environment in the classroom that will be successful.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Excel spreadsheets are very useful tools as we have seen in our recently completed Gradebook and Lesson Plan projects. In the book it told us how spreadsheets have been used to model phenomena through four ways: computational reasoning tools for analyzing, comprehension in mathematics, visualization, and simulation. How cool is that?
The three primary functions of spreadsheets are storing, calculating, and presenting information. We use spreadsheets to keep track of information, make things simple and easy, and present that information in a more compelling manor.
Spreadsheets are labor saving and free us from having to calculate large amounts of data by hand. I would definitely find ways to use this tool within my classroom.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 3 Blog Posting

Inspiration Video: Provides a framework for thinking through visual learning. Should help students to gather information, analyze it and use it in their writing. Students would be able to use graphic organizers to help in their planning and development of their projects. Teachers would be able to use Inspiration to help in their planning and development of their curiculums.

Collaborative writing activities could be used to engage the class in working together and you would have more sources of ideas,varied points of views, and an important one- peer and self assessment. As we saw in Chapter 4, even when instructors provide assassment of a students work it is in the form of clarity and accuracy and as recent research has shown student-to student feedback may be more effective.

In responce to the question , How well did I know a topic, and did I know it better after. Yes I did need to research a topic before I was able to talk about it. I certainly did not know more in the beginnig as I did after the reasearch and teaching of the topic.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Week 2 Assignment

The only blogging experience that I currently have is the occasional posting on MySpace. I believe that and I now see that this is a resource that I have under utilized. Blogging most definitely can be used as a tool of exploration within the classroom. Students may be only slightly aware that they are learning in a fun, informal way with technology included in the curriculum, giving students access to all forms of quality information that can be found on the Internet.
In the hands of the right teacher technology can be a valuable tool to increase a students creative potential. Those that think that integrating the use of technology in the classroom is a waste of a students time. I say unto you that any resource that can be used to make a child wish to learn and have fun doing so, is a resource that should be fully taken advantage of.

In Chapter 6 we see how it discusses how different ideas in the use of technology can be used towards success in the classroom. Plans that use blogs created by the students and teachers are some of the best forms of teaching methods that are being used. Technology that is used to aid in the promotion of critical and analytical thinking has potential applications within the classroom.


Well here we are in the second week and we are off and running. My name is Charles Young and a am a transfer student from Vernon College and currently a sophomore here at A&M Commerce. I am living in Greenville with my new wife and 2 boys, a 19 y.o. of my wife's and my 7 y.o. both from previous marriages. I (we) are looking forward to getting this semester in the books and completing my degree in Agriculture Science with teacher certification.